Pancreatic Cancer


Subj: Gini, PC Stage IV, UPDATE Date: 9/20/2001

Fred, Just wanted to give you an update on my battle. I have been taking Dose 4 of your supplement program since mid august and feel too good to be so sick. Both Oncologists I've met with have scolded me for seeking new treatments for my type of cancer & say nothing other than gemcitabine will buy a little time but not cure me.

I now believe that oncologists chief goal is to distinguish any hope a cancer patient may have. When I returned from one of these visits, it knocked my spirit down for at least a week, but I have kept up the supplements regardless. I had to have a tooth with a chronic infection extracted 9/4 to get ready for chemo and it is now 9/20 and is still healing very slowly, so I can not start chemo until it is completely healed. I will probably go ahead and enter the clinical trial here in Rochester using the new vaccine G17DT made by Aphton Corp. I still have very little pain and great energy.

I know how busy you must be responding to everyone who comes to your website for help. I will just leave an update here from time to time on my condition for you and hopefully, soon send you my doctor reports at diagnosis & CT scans after beginning treatment. I am grateful for your program as I am feeling good physically in the midst of the greatest emotional & spiritual battle of my life.

The Lord is carrying me.

Love, Gini

UPDATE: 1/26/04 - We do not know status, we have not heard anything good nor bad in quite some time.

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